Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tech Tracks on the Ski Slope

We're always looking for cool new convergence ideas, and this is definitely one:  Epic Mix.

Simply stated, they've put RFID (trackable chips) on ski passes.  And they've leveraged it larger than a winter storm in International Falls. 

So what does this hi-tech tracker enable?

Track your progress throughout the day. 
See you entire day's run online before hitting the apres ski.
Even earn various 'pins', awards for hitting milestones slopewise.
Most importantly, find your friends at any time on any slope.  

Lord knows we could use that last feature, Mr. Hey-Slow-Up-on-the-Mogul-Run!!!!

The intro video for Epic Mix needs a better editor -- like lift lines, the shorter, the better, in video demo-land.  But apart from that, we're diggin' this development.

And as long as the chip survives Epic Mixes of downhill spills, bring it on!


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