Monday, March 22, 2010

When Lit Goes Rap Sampler: Hip-Hopifi-fiction?

Interesting article in Sunday's NY Times book section about, among other things, the lifting of famous authors' words to create new works.  Almost music sampler style.

So the mash-ups so popular in music might appear in the literary world?  Copyright and trade infringement effect everyone, though the lit class has somewhat dodged the sampling bullet, maybe because its a sleepier, older, and less profitable world to begin with.

I'm sure an attorney could argue against this statement.  Or for it, as attorneys do.

Anyway, in our creative way, it got our mash up brain's thinking:  where else can one sample and combine for a synthesis of new off of the old?  Brands?  Sure Buckeye BBQ sauce Lays chips is just a start.  Maybe Intel Potato Chips?

Food for thought there.  

Mash ups are here to stay.  And cool stuff can be created...out of recreating.

In fact, this recreation is a fave of ours, for any of you who are amused by Charlie Rose, this is even more amusing:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In Your Face Book

You know online marketing is important. And social media's all the rage. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube...and, now, fantasy March Madness.

But where are consumers spending the bulk of their online time?
According to recent findings by Nielson Company,

Of the 116,000,000 visitors per month to Facebook (4th overall online), the average time spent on it is 7 hours per month.

Yahoo! is a distant second, with only 2 hours 28 minutes per month.

Amazingly, 11.6% of all time spent online in January was spent on Facebook.

Clearly, this Facebook has great eyeballs.

Add in the fact that you can customize ad campaigns by:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Keywords
  • Education
  • Workplace
  • Relationship Status
  • Relationship Interests
  • Languages

That said, just as in the old TV ad days, eyeballs and engagement are two different things.  This says nothing about click through, let alone conversion.

But the reach and dedication of users here is undeniable.  Just another eye buy to consider....

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